Friday, July 30, 2021

SEW: Kitchen door curtains

 I bought this material to make more Summer masks. Found it too thick and stiff. so it sat by the sewing machine for a month. light bulb moment- perfect size for the kitchen door. we will see.

Had to wind a bobbin of course and re thread the sewing machine. ugh. That done I sewed up  outer edges on both sides before I cleaned the truck tonight. wicked on my neck! I need to get a chair proper for that height.

My batteries for my Nikon , all 4, needed charging so I got to use Kindle Fire camera and post to facebook. quite handy

bobbin winder

wrong side

right side

so the pattern is 2 panels 15 inches wide and 45 inches long, seam is ironed a little less than 1/2 inch and then when at the machine I fold that over and sew..


Top and bottom seams are selvage  so do not need the above preparation.  Just fold selvage over its own size and stitch then fold for a 2 inch hem. Sew along the selvage edge so there is room for curtain rod.

still good enough for privacy
July 31

August 1


YARN-SEW- shopping adventures with language

 July 24-25 2021

Warning! may be too much information for some- but I am curious. When I was in a yarn craft store in Hyannis last weekend I had to pee before I did anything. I would gladly use a tree but since there are none around.. So yes  they let me use the unisex restroom,it locks. LOL Looked around for a hook for my fanny pack and none so holding that while fiddling around with clothes and body-the freaking toilet paper dispenser fell apart- big industrial sized metal thing on the wall.. It was like a twisted rope hanging there at first making me a bit leery- can't shake the last drop off like some people. So I grabbed the rope and pulled and the whole thing fell apart.Finally, ready to leave wash  hands  and used the sanitizer wipes I already had for the door etc. I would have fixed the blasted thing if they had a hook for my fanny pack. So my photo is probably up on their security room wall with a warning. :)]

so would you have fixed it or told them what happened. I did neither. wearing the toilet paper cone of shame now.

Friday, July 23, 2021

KNIT: Scrap leftover yarn into squares

July 22 2021

 to make a blanket

started this sometime beginning of 2021. Using scraps of yarn leftover from projects over the years I knit squares. Finally a cool day and I cleared off the harvest table and was able to design a patterns and separated each pile into a plastic bag. will sew together by hand eventually.

I think I need more squares for an edging to make it just a little bigger



#8 circular needles work with 2 squares at a time separate needles I hope that makes sense.

cast on 20 stitches

slip 1 knit to end , repeat for 36 rows and cast off.


September 2021

well finally sewn together. After many mismatches of squares etc it is sewn together and now just needs the ends woven in. That may take awhile!

September 12-13

undoing and re doing

the clothes pins helped to keep me on track and not turn something the wrong way. phew that took forever.

September 14

almost there


September 15

well finally wove in all the ends etc not perfect but good enough for just me.

October 3
washed and dried at laundromat and what a difference! not floppy. It looks great and I am happy with the outcome.


Friday, July 16, 2021

YARN: Dara,Paula & fishermans wool

 I was given the colorful ones and bought Lion Brand white fisherman wool to use to make a shawl with the three

started the project 3 different times- dissatisfied with the results after 1 band 2 band 3 bands LOL ripped it out and started over again- keeping it simple and when colors change I will pick up yarn then cut when necessary so I do  not have a bulky edge.

July 14

that ripped out

July 16

the three yarns and the project so far.


pattern is 60 stitches cast on to #10 needle. slip one knit to the end. Change colors after 2 or 3  inches I may add scraps of other wool I have to use it up.


August 2 2021


Did some measuring and weighing. I have knit 7-1/2 inches so far and used 2-1/2 ounces of yarn. I have 14.5 ounces of yarn left . I should be able to knit another 40+ inches if I calculate correctly.

 we will see. I am sure I will run out of "colors" before the off white. So I can just buy two more colors and keep going.


3.5 white & 4.0 white

3.5 green

3.5 purple.



September 21 2021

Finished one half or one third , depending upon how much yard is left! on this project.


October 2021 


ready to weave in tails

progress on second piece may be half or a third of it all, who knows


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

YARN: Merino wool- Dara yarn- socks

 Finally finished enough projects to start these socks! The yarn is wonderful and soft.

#6 needles 16 inch

cast on 56 stitches

knit 2 purl 2 for 3 rows then switch to #5 needles and knit all rows to desired length


July 16 

I swear I really know how to stress myself out. I was timing the rows each morning and making it 3 rows which took 12 minutes to knit. Found that too stressful so I switched and set timer for 10 minutes and can do 5 needles worth- so that it will be.

July 16 so far


August 2

making headway. Had to buy another skein locally at Great Yarn- Who Gives a Stitch. got same color even though I could have gone with any color- just not same dye lot. okay with me.


new skein


new skein separated into 2 balls


August 30

looks like it took me a month and a half to finish the socks. I had dropped a stitch back at maybe 6 inches length and tried to repair it and it only got worse so I tied it off with contrasting yarn and carried on. Added a new ball of yarn for each sock at about 10 inches. The finished product was over 13 inches when I began to cast off. They are soft and lovely and cushiony and I am sure they will be warm. They washed easily and dried in 2 days. I have 3 ounces left so that would be an ounce and a half for new pair of socks to start then I will definitely get a contrasting color of the same yarn to finish.

Glad I noted stitches and needle sizes above as I could not remember just now.

Where the dropped stitch was and the repair is looks like it makes room for a bunion LOL

look like Brunhilda legs or Grandmother Ida Hollenback. Had to check my tree on ancestry for the spelling of Hollenback. I guess Lautenbach is the one ending in H.


SEW: wraparound skirt

 June-July 2021

well tired of shopping for nonexistent  items. Need lightweight clothing.Wanted flimsy thinner cotton than I use for masks. Ended up with something that seems heavier of course. Washed it the other day and it softened up. I will do a skirt and if it is too hot & heavy I can rip it out and use the material for something else.

Just cannot photo this material in the wind LOL


well I went to iron this material before working it into a wraparound skirt and it wrinkles deeply so screw that- I made a pillowcase for the pillow I sit on in the truck. I also used some of the material to make mask ties. The previous case was at least 20 years old and wearing thin.

Pillow cases look simple to make. LOL I made the mistake of making the hem first then sewing the side and end. So it was long to begin with and I was able to re hem it.
