Thursday, March 15, 2018

YARN-Nor'Easters and New England.

Well we have had 3 big storms in 12 or so days. First two were wind and rain lots of flooding. This one that started on Tuesday March 13 2018 was a doozie. A Nor'Easter blizzard. Power out from around 9am Tuesday until 3:20am Wednesday. Knew when it came back on because I left a radio on when power was out and that came on. I was able to check the time on my Kindle Fire 7.

Wednesday morning it was nice to have hot coffee again and almost tea because the power went out again at 8:12am Wednesday and returned briefly me thinking I could have a hot lunch.  Power out again. That lunch sat in the saucepan until 2:47 pm when I decided that was no longer good and I quickly boiled some brown rice pasta and peas.

Still had no internet , no landline and no cellphone. Landline came back a little before 9pm Wednesday. Only way I knew that is my cousin Paula called me and left a message on my answering machine. I missed talking to her because I was untangling myself from bed clothes trying to get to the phone. No easy task that.

DelRoy stopped by to check on me  around 5 or 6pm. Ah what a welcome sight! I offered him a hot beverage but he said they had a stove lit. Just still no power there. I hear many poles down in Harwich.

Worst towns hit on the Cape- Falmouth, Wellfleet and Dennis.

Now to how I occupied myself with no lights. Kept the Winter curtains closed to conserved what heat was left and my body heat. So it was dark in here with  "open" windows covered with snow. And grey skies.

First I took a photo of the thermostat in the living area. less than 45 degrees.

First thing I did when the power went out was to call the electric company. Had to figure out what they call themselves first then deal with the small print in the phone book! Wrote the number in big numbers on the front of the book for future reference. Good thing I called then. Phone was dead after that.

So with little light not much I could do. I could knit but just finished 50 minutes of pacing that I do that to each morning. So decided to move photo albums. Then rearranged my books. I had to use a flashlight for the back of that bookcase as it faces a wall with no light. Looks like last time I did that I put books back upside down LOL. And book dust! shit I sneezed for an hour. That included rearranging what was on top of the book case.

No photos of that- too dark.

I was getting hungry and antsy about now so decided to put together a jigsaw puzzle. Quite a few of them were too intricate and had 1,000  pieces. I needed one that would fit on the kitchen counter to the left of the sinks- I had reflected light from the windows there for me to see. I chose the one for The United States. Large pieces- some shaped like the state. So this was fun and educational and I learned what I didn't know LOL like where the heck is Colorado and New Mexico  Nevada and Arizona. I know their shapes. But am forever putting New Mexico next to California.
These are dark sorry!

the above shows the puzzle "before".

Then  I knit off & on throughout the day, snacked on bread and smart balance and clementine orange and a banana. I rationed the food not knowing how long this would last. My dried cereal was all too crunchy to eat without soymilk. And thank goodness for the dark chocolate Hershey kisses. I allowed myself 2 a day. I guess it was a good thing I never got to make my banana bread.

Around mid-morning on Tuesday I was getting depressed and fucking cold. So I got on my Winter puffy jacket and more hats and paced a bit then decided to take a nap. Why not!? Thank goodness for the two sleeping bags I have.

Then I decided to dive into the correspondence I have from 70 years ago up to recently. Separating cards given to me by Mom and Jer and my father. That was easy. Then I got into the correspondence. Mom's were easy- she usually wrote when she and Jack traveled to boat shows and trips. The tough part was the letters my father sent from Pennsylvania. from 1965-1985. I sorted them by address- he lived in 7 different places as far as I can figure. I was a faithful writer for most of those years. But in the 70s he wrote a letter that I guess I misinterpreted or did not realize that liquor was talking. And I stopped writing. Do I regret that? I guess but that was my choice then to save myself from certain grief. I have learned over the years to NOT shut anyone out. Keep them at a distance maybe but keep the lines of communication open. Especially with blood. But we all do what we have to do and that is that. I shed many tears writing down those addresses. Many. I put off reading the contents for a sunny day when I can get out and walk to give me some relief. It would have been horrible for me to expose myself to that emotional conflict with no lights no heat no hot food or drink.

Well on to lighter things.Glad Mom saved the cards and notes for when I was born. Found many addresses and names to research. Remembered most of them. A few I cannot tell what the last name is. The funniest one is Robert Sparkman card with a Philadelphia address of Belmar Terrace. I am pretty sure that is the street the Moores lived on for a while. He was a friend of my father's. I  remember my mother's remark of how he would stop by to visit. And there would be a dish of salted peanuts on the table and she would watch him paw a bunch. I think she thought he never came with anything. But I think he was a bachelor number one and he was a fun person to talk to. LOL

Tuesday night I slept in my clothes- took off my Timbelrands and my Winter jacket and  slipped into my red LLBean sleeping bag and another sleeping bag on top, a quilt under me and two blankets on top. a shawl and a soft blanket to protect my head and ears. Two hats on and I had my Kindle Fire7 to read a Lizzie Crenshaw mystery. I found my book lamp worked but I was not in the mood for Nathaniel Hawthorne's Blithesdale or whatever it is called. Slept like a log believe it or not until the radio came blasting on and the over the stove light was on. oh joy 3:20am I have almost another hour of sleep- how not to oversleep!. I got up at 4 fearful that the power would go out again so I got water boiling and went about my morning routine and exercises. Not easy on the exercycle with  jeans on my legs and leggings and wool tights and long underwear but I did my 30 minutes.

Then the power went out again. This time I was prepared and had boiling water for tea after my two mugs of coffee. Put that in a stainless steel mug and put a cover on it. Figured it would be another long day.

I  realized I could use my computer on Wednesday for more than Solitaire and Spider Solitaire. I took photos of the knits I had done so far this year so I can add them to my blog for what I donate this year.

Then later in the day- sun shining strongly in this room I was actually warm! Did ironing in one stretch of time. And then worked with some beads. LOL

oh this is the tea I fixed knowing power would go out LOL kept warm in pan of hot water. Not real time on that clock and long story of why.

knits done so far.

^^^ cowl black lace pattern
multi colored shawls below

the fucking snow

what I look like after that well earned hot shower. My shoulders were so sore from hunching over stuff LOL

almost forgot to post the interesting correspondence. Probably of no interest to any one but me.
Jean Cornell a childhood friend of my mother's
Gramma Young

Leila ? need to decipher her last name
anniversary telegram
Jonesy & Betsy

Peggie & Jimmie

I think that is it!