Wednesday, January 22, 2020

YARN-Stitch pattern

Working on 3 projects using the same stitch pattern. Amazing how differently each looks.
A matter of different yarn and needle size and working in the round.

stitch pattern is cast on uneven number of stitches if working flat piece like a scarf  slip first stitch then: knit 2 purl 2  repeat that K2P2 to the end of row next row do the same.
when working in the round first row is K2 P2 repeat on every row. I mark every 10 stitches as I am apt to drop stitches and it is easier to find.
Blue and white yarn I believe there is some wool in it and it may be Encore Plymouth yarn. This is 61 stitches on #7 circular needles working in the round.

Purple wool from Dara bulky yarn
cast on 41 stitches onto #11 shiny needle. K2 P2 until it reaches the decrease length. So in essence since there are uneven number of stitches you are not making ribs

scarf with Dara yarn textured greys and purple
this was cast on 21 stitches onto # 10 bamboo circular needles.
each row is the same
Slip one knit 2 purl 2. but it is not a regular ribbed pattern.