October post
November post
Photos of masks from day 1
tee shirt sleeve mask- the most comfortable but does not cover enough of my face- to my liking
various baby blanket flannel ones- impossible to breathe with these. Likely will be window rags.then the bandanna ones that are likely too thin to be effective but are good in an emergency while out for a walk. Very flimsy.then the two as mentioned before that I wore steadily every time I was out. Just rectangles but tied and kept in place with a messy bun- they were fine.Then I got creative with the new material and did pleated ones and form fitting one. Still have to work out some kinks
New material picked up last Sunday
December 14 2020
While doing errands this past weekend I come back here and wash all my masks. Wore 6 of them- I was in so many different stores and in lines. As I washed them I noticed one of the ties that was grosgrain was unraveling! yikes. A LOT! So I googled and found this video using a candle! Gonna try it. I was going to machine sew the ends but dreaded that tedious job. And a facebook friend suggested using liquid stitch witchery. I just do not want rough edges near my face- I do have a bottle of that but use it for emergency seam and hem repair.
fixing grosgrain fray
Also noticed that the purple form fitting mask is the MOST comfortable. I hope I can duplicate it!
***grograin fix
January 11 2021
Made another mask with the outer space theme. Finished looks like it may ride high on my face, I can always alter it
Made a few masks since the above. This is a sample of the material I use. I buy what I guess are "quilt squares" at Joann Fabrics. They are 100% cotton and 20x20. Perfect size for one mask. plus self ties. This batch had a surprise- no matter how I folded it I would lose a couple of inches of material. grrr
Some of the material is very stiff even after a few washings. Which does help to keep its shape but is not soft on the face. oh well.
March 4 2021
Made the last purple mask using the yard of material I bought I think it made 4-5 masks. Living dangerously with the thread running so low. But did finished and then had to wind another bobbin and top stitch with white.
March 29 2021
One mask made from yellow material and using the accordian pleat pattern was almost impossible to wear just to thick and big so I took it apart and remade it.
used rainbow ribbon yarn given to me- then found that too hard to tie securely and ended up making self ties with the same material.
I think I took apart another yellow pleated one. That material was so thick!
July 14 2021
made a mask with outer space theme again. sewing along merrily and doing the top stitch along the edges and notice loops egads. Had to rip it out and re do the top stitch. either the machine became un done when I had to thread the needle so many times or the bobbins was upside down. now I know to check THAT each time and the bobbin is supposed to spin counter clockwise.
The harvest table mess too
I have to remember to cut all ties 2 inches wide so I can fold into the center from each side and them fold in half and top stitch the length. It has taken me at least 20 masks to get that right, hmmm July
Material bought for masks. looks Summery
2 masks made in July with ties that do not match on purposeblack and white one feels soft
September 25
Had to buy a new sewing machine the old Genie failed. timing off and too tedious for me to tackle. While in the store I needles more material for masks, a needle threader and thread.
purple material will be for ties
bonus- those cardboard squares come in handy.
September 22 2021
made a mask and it takes 50 minutes if it has already been cut out LOL Not a money maker if I did that. But these are just for me. This shows the process of turning it right side out.
update on mask selections LOL
the lightweights
October 6
took an hour but made a Halloween mask. machine came unthreaded LOL
trip to Hyannis on errands and picked up some new quilting squares for making masks.