Tuesday, August 20, 2019

YARN-2019 knit projects completed and started

Hats -shawls- dish cloths- baby hats-cat blankets
cat blankets look better in real life.


baby hat

dish cloths

big hats

new projects
purple baby hat

red hat carnival colors

soft magenta hat

bulky hat shades of pale blue etc

October 2019- knits completed since last post
yellow hat made with the polyester yarn I purchased during the Yarn Haul in September at Black Purl in Sandwich

cheap sock type yarn but acrylic bought at AC Moore for a buck- I got 2. Knit up nicely.

Baby hat knit from a cake of graduated pinks goes from magenta to dark pink

Purple baby hat

Two hats knit with same bulky pastel multi color yarn.

Very soft bulky yarn made a "big hair" hat and a scarf.

Carnival red hat- my favorite baby yarn from  A Great Yarn in Chatham

Fuzzy purple made two hats using doubled yarns. delightful to work with.making third hat single strand

Soft knit magenta hat garter stitch

Vibrant multi colors bulky yarn

November 5 2019
completed two hats using the polyester yarn. Adult and baby
All of the above and  3 cat pads below and 2 doll shawls to be donated this year so that is:
2 shawls
11 adult hats
1 adult hat with scarf
3 cat pads
2 doll shawls.

*************************used up scraps of bulky yarn to make a hat. It feels heavy on my head. Maybe needs machine washing and drying.

wearing hat LOL
cat pads

Green wool made with Dara yarn
neck warmer made with fuzzy baby yarn double strand. so soft!

bamboo mix yarn from Michael's made a neck warmer. need to take a photo. It was delightful to work with.

September 2019 projects
