Saturday, January 18, 2025

2025: Trash Yarn

 I have been knitting and rolling yarn into balls for decades. Finally got around to 2 lovely neutral wool hanks. Not 2 minutes into the process the yarn falls apart. Checked the second hank. same thing. Must be old yarn.Really OLD as I have had 10 year old stash yarn still good. No use for it so to the trash it goes.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

2024: shawl

 In November I started a shawl with self striping yarn. It proved to be impossible as the yarn was too thin to see and I was dropping stitches left and right. So wound a skein of bright green yarn and am knitting the shawl with 2 strands  of yarm. Mush easier but slow going! Disappointed the skein has no "reds" mostly gold , aqua and teal. It will be warm though.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024


May 15

 Walking foot installed!

I am capable of squinting and giving the machine the middlefinger at the same time too.

good thing Singer people are not within walking distance. No screwdriver in the original kit. the screw that secures everything is a round headed slotted screw NOT the type you can unscrew with finger and thumb like in tutorials. I better get on full body armor to test drive this. the needle may break and embed itself in my throat or eyeball.

oh and the lever was not in all tutorials.

Hope I never have to do a buttonhole as this install is a royal pain in the ass. I will sew with the walking foot for everything!


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2023-2024 -SEW

 catching up with 2023 and 2024

August 1 2023

Curtains for door below washing them the water was black!


Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Finally re mastered the double knit stitch. Last time done was in the 80s and I can picture the ugly off white yarn pretty sure. Well no matter what video I watched or instructions I read I could not get the knack of it again. Today cleaning up odds and ends and weighing other yarns for other projects I went back to the bookmark of a youtube video and it finally clicked in my  head

simple my way- things to know in stitches-Knit, purl and slip one (English style)

cast on an uneven number of stitches. I did 11 stitches of my favorite wool which is now end scraps onto #10 circular needles.

1st row: knit one ( keep yarn in back)slip one purlwise-repeat to the end

2nd row: knit one, purl one. Repeat to the end

repeat those 2 rows until desired length. I cast off long style to keep things un  tight.

All other instructions made me feel like I had the yarn in the wrong hand and needed to do Calisthenics between rows with my legs in the air.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

2023: SEW- MASKS

Finally weather warm enough and ambition to sew. Then the machine screwed up and apparently I did not know how to thread the machine. I will have to re learn that each time it is so convoluted,

and the making of  a bobbin. LOL

The lawn cotton is VERY  flimsy and not easy to work with.
