Finally re mastered the double knit stitch. Last time done was in the 80s and I can picture the ugly off white yarn pretty sure. Well no matter what video I watched or instructions I read I could not get the knack of it again. Today cleaning up odds and ends and weighing other yarns for other projects I went back to the bookmark of a youtube video and it finally clicked in my head
simple my way- things to know in stitches-Knit, purl and slip one (English style)
cast on an uneven number of stitches. I did 11 stitches of my favorite wool which is now end scraps onto #10 circular needles.
1st row: knit one ( keep yarn in back)slip one purlwise-repeat to the end
2nd row: knit one, purl one. Repeat to the end
repeat those 2 rows until desired length. I cast off long style to keep things un tight.
All other instructions made me feel like I had the yarn in the wrong hand and needed to do Calisthenics between rows with my legs in the air.